Customizing Sage 300 Reports and Forms
Reporting plays a vital role in every business such as manufacturing, finance, health care, retail, schools and colleges, pharmaceutical, and non-profit organizations. Sage 300 software comes with standard reports that cater to most of the standard/basic business needs.
Custom reports help you make smarter decisions.
If the standard Sage 300 report requires customization, Britec offers a wide range of report customizations to accommodate your business needs.

Here are some examples of what you can do with Crystal Reports for Sage 300
Custom Financial Documents
Customize Sage 300 forms such as cheques, invoices, credit/debit notes based on user-defined formats.
Custom Branded Reports
Customize reports with your branding and implementation need, such as adding logos, diagrams, charts, custom font size/ color, custom layout, and terms & conditions.
Build Almost Any Custom Report
Develop new custom reports with simple or complex calculations.
Combine Data Sources
Customize the reports from multiple data sources. We hold rich experience in integrating the reports with real-time applications.
Excel Compatibility
Customize the report so it can be exported in an Excel compatible format.
Britec can help.
Sage 300 reports and forms can be customized using Crystal Reports. At Britec, we have a team of Crystal Reports experts who can assist with your reporting needs.
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