Why you should care about your Private Cloud Hosting provider.

Securely hosting the software & services that your business requires to operate has never been a more important decision.

The post-covid age comes with an increase in both available opportunities and an increase in threats. You need IT to work so that you and your teams can work – and ideally, you’d like to do so at a fair and manageable cost.

You rarely know if you have the right provider until something goes wrong.

In over 30 years in IT, we’ve seen it all. (And we’re the experts that even IT Pros call when things ‘really’ go wrong.)

Britec plans for the worst-case scenario while implementing secure, cost-effective, and fast systems which are designed to avoid those same worst-case scenarios from taking place.

What that means is that we’re a mature IT provider. We’ve been around long enough to know that sometimes things go wrong, so we prepare for that – but we’ve always been proactive in avoiding those same problems.

Our solutions are ideal for small to medium sized organizations.

Britec services are ideally suited for organizations ranging in size from 20 to 2000 staff. Our virtual solutions include the management of both IT & network infrastructure, as well as hosting business applications.

All our services are reliable, high-speed, secure, with the offering of 24×7 support.

Full services listing

Managed Solutions for your Business IT Infrastructure:

  • PAAS and SAAS hosting solutions
  • Dedicated servers in a secured data centre
  • Redundancy
  • Private Cloud Environments
  • Virtualized Environments
  • Internet Connectivity
  • Network Management
  • Server’s provisioning and monitoring
  • Operating System Licenses
  • Operating System Management and patching
  • Managed Data Backup & and offsite storage
  • Antivirus

We can host any applications your business needs in one place. From websites & eCommerce to Accounting systems. (Ask us about how we can maintain security, but maximize remove work capabilities, as you need them..)

  • Business Application Hosting
  • Cloud-based Productivity Software
  • Accounting Software Private Cloud
    • Sage Environments (Sage 300, Business Vision, etc)
    • Other environments (Quickbooks, etc)
  • File Sharing (Server/Cloud)
  • eCommerce hosting
  • MS SQL Database Hosting
  • Terminal Server Hosting
  • Domain Controller hosting
  • Application Hosting
  • Something missing? Ask us here.

Here are some of the top reasons our clients choose us.

  • A Dedicated Person to Talk With

    It's always better when you can build a relationship with someone, versus start fresh every time you call. (Ask us more.)

  • We Do it All In-House!

    Britec provides end to end services and support. From hardware, to software, to networking, and remote work. We can consult, setup, implement, train, and support. All in-house.

  • You Get Time Back

    You should be working 'on' your business, your team needs to work 'in' the business - and we keep your systems running, so you're not always putting out 'tech' fires.

  • Experienced Support Team

    Our support team is based locally and highly trained. (Specializations include in Citrix (Virtual Desktop), Database administration, Messaging, Networking and Security.)

  • Proactive Systems

    Your systems need to run 24/7, and we're supporting your systems 24/7. From our data centres to the hosted environments that live on them.

  • An Experienced Hand

    Your IT systems should be engineered to be predictable, redundant, and stable. That doesn't happen without detailed service level agreements and leading infrastructure management practices.

  • 30 Years of Success Stories

    Britec has been serving Canadian businesses for since 1988. Put bluntly: It's impossible to survive that long in IT if you're not doing things right.

  • Cost Management

    With hosted, fully managed solutions, your business can enjoy predictable monthly invoicing and avoid the need to invest in capital expenditures to support internally managed infrastructure.

  • One eye to the future

    Whether you move fast or slow with technology, our team offers a highly experienced group of tenured IT specialists whenever you need them.

Read common questions and answers about our Private Cloud

Britec Private Cloud Hosting has data residency exclusively in Canada, with our primary data centre located in Calgary, Alberta.

Data residency is a vitally important topic, as your data is subject to the laws of the country that it resides in.

Put simply, yes. We lean on 2-generations of experience to implement the technology of today, with the high quality of relationships which have become more rare in this modern age.

We’ll work with you to keep costs in-line.

  • Provide a highly sophisticated IT infrastructure solution at a fraction of the cost to build or retrofit an in-house data centre which is internally managed.
  • Reduce or eliminate upfront hardware and software purchase costs and license management.
  • Maximize return on current technology investments, avoiding technology stagnation.

No it will not. One way or another your servers will connect with the outside worth. It is better to use the latest technology, managed continually by an expert team who actively improve systems and apply patches as new threats emerge.

Britec Private Cloud will:

  • Reduce operational risk by ensuring 24/7 availability and uptime for business systems
  • Provide full scalability for current and future needs.
  • Help provide high levels of network availability and continuous internet connectivity backed by aggressive service level agreements (SLAs)
  • Offer skilled support for managing the network infrastructure connected to your hosting environment

Working with Britec will:

  • Drive business growth by re-focusing IT management resources on revenue generating initiatives.
  • Remove the burden of day-to-day management of IT resources and improve the productivity of existing IT support resources.

Want to know more about our company?

Watch the video below, or visit our about page here.

Let's get you on the right path!

If you like what we have to say, let's have a meeting and unpack how we can help you.

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