Fully featured Asset Management for Sage 300

The core module, Asset Accounting, can be used to process the asset accounting transactions, including acquisition, depreciation, adjustment, disposal, impairment, merge and split.

The higher modules, Asset Maintenance and Asset Leasing can be used to facilitate the asset maintenance and lease management. Asset tracking with hand-held barcode scanner is also enabled.

Key features of our Sage 300 Asset Manager

  • Fully integrates with Sage 300

  • Supports all databases for Sage 300

  • Flexible asset and barcode numbering

  • Provides formula-based depreciation calculation

  • Supports depreciation projection & reversal

  • Full multi currency support for acquisition & depreciation

  • Manages SLA's for equipment maintenance

  • Manages asset lease contract & billing processing

  • Extensive inquiries and reporting functionality

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Detailed Feature Information

The Asset Accounting module provides the basic functionality for processing asset accounting transaction, including acquisition, depreciation, adjustment, disposal and impairment.

Asset merge and split are also available in this module.


  • Converts PJC transactions to assets.
  • Converts P/O receipts or invoices to assets.
  • Converts I/C internal usage to assets.
  • Converts A/P invoice to acquisition entry.
  • Creates A/P invoice or Misc. payment from acquisition batch.


  • Provides up to 5 books for tracking asset depreciation.
  • Runs depreciation for a range of assets for any number of periods.
  • Depreciation calculation uses standard or user-defined formula.
  • Depreciation Projection facilitates the financial planning.
  • The depreciation can be reversed to any period of past years.


  • Changes asset value or salvage value.
  • Changes asset year depreciation.
  • Transfers assets between cost centers, locations, etc.
  • Changes asset life, depreciation method and rate.


  • Disposes asset at user-specified proceeds with user-defined proceeds account.
  • Creates A/R invoice or I/C receipt for asset disposal batch. Bulk disposal is enabled.
  • Partial disposal is enabled.
  • Disposal transaction can be reversed.


  • Impairment can be captured to comply with IFRS and GAAP principles.
  • Impairment reversal is enabled.


  • One asset can be split to multiple assets.
  • Multiple assets can be merged to one asset.

Based on the Asset Accounting module, the Asset Maintenance module can be used to manage the maintenance activity for equipment and components.

By specifying maintenance budget on SLA and maintenance order, the maintenance expense is under control.

Equipment and Meter

  • Equipment can be copied from asset register or entered manually.
  • Multiple meters can be maintained for equipment and component.
  • Meter is set up to track the equipment usage and production.
  • The usage criteria can be specified for meters to create maintenance order automatically on meter reading.

Service Level Agreement

  • A SLA is signed up with a vendor to define the service terms.
  • Multiple SLA’s can be set up for an equipment or component.
  • Resource budget can be specified for SLA to control the expense.

Maintenance Order

  • Maintenance order defines the maintenance activities for equipment.
  • Maintenance order assigns resource for maintaining equipment.
  • Budget can be set up for Maintenance order to control maintenance expense.
  • Maintenance order can be created automatically by meter reading.

Base on the Asset Accounting module, the Asset Leasing module can be used to manage the asset leasing activity, and to process lease billing transaction with the Sage 300 Account Receivable module.

Lease Contract

  • Lease contract can be signed with customer for leasing assets out.
  • Lease contract can be signed with vendor for leasing assets in.
  • Includes multiple assets in a lease contract.
  • Defines lease quantity, UOM and billing rate for each assets.
  • Sets up a billing schedule for each leased asset.
  • Defines lease revenue/expense account for each asset.
  • Calculates interest on lease principal if needed.

Lease Billing

  • Enters lease revenue/expense entry against lease contract.
  • Creates lease billing batches automatically against lease contracts.
  • Creates A/R or AP invoice batch automatically for lease billing batch.
  • Posting lease billing batch updates the billing schedule.
  • Posting lease billing batch updates the lease billing history.

Let's talk about asset management for your business.

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