Put simply: Britec thinks ahead.

We never set out to be the most flashy. Only the most reliable.

You'll feel that reliability in every action we undertake.

Britec is committed to keeping its clients on the cutting edge of technology, developing “right-fit” solutions to help them achieve their business goals. Britec’s staff is a group of highly trained, certified professionals with a vast array of expertise.

By understanding today’s business needs and working closely with our clients, our consultants customize each solution to maximize return on investment and ensure a successful project.

Sage Business Management Solution

Reliability means smooth operations.

Client management, order management, inventory management, and more… It all needs to run smoothly.

Software is only part of the solution – people still need to use it!

Britec uses our extensive experience (30+ years) to not only implement the correct solutions for your needs, but ensure your teams masters how to utilize them.

The Britec team has been our consistent and reliable partner for many years and many projects. Thanks for keeping Sage running perfectly, and for all the custom development and eCommerce integration.

John C. - Chair of Finance; Anonymous Non-Profit Organization 

Reasons you might be an ideal Britec client.

  • Complex made simple

    We're experts in tackling the complexities of your IT infrastructure.

  • Staff ranging from 10 to 1500

    We're at home serving diverse businesses worldwide.

  • Your business runs on Sage

    Whether you're a current user, or you are looking utilize Sage.

  • Personalized Solutions

    We develop personalized apps & systems for our clients.

  • Lasting Partnership

    Our clients want reliable long-term partners who care.

  • Revenue from 3m to 100m

    Britec is a reliable IT partner as your business scales.

  • Stability & Staying Current

    Britec has been evolving with tech and IT since 1988.

The top 3 reasons our customers continue to choose Britec.

  • We always have an eye on the future.

    While meeting the current needs of our clients, we're on top of what's to come. Britec helps guide organizations into the future, helping to avoid bumps (or disasters) along the way.

  • The experience to deal with complex problems.

    Britec has extensive experience helping companies with lots of moving parts (or inventory). From supply-chain to manufacturing, or retail warehousing to law firms - we'll take your problems away and have you feeling confident.

  • We're strongly rooted in implementation.

    We bring results. (We don't just think up on-paper solutions and call it a day.) Our team will take you from problem to implemented solution, and the path we take is customized to your business.

Our Process

Our team works hard to earn the trust of our clients, every day.

Average rating: 4.9

Based on 43 reviews

Britec is a relationship-focused company, let's talk about how we can help with your immediate needs and build a lasting partnership.

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