Maximizing the Value of AP & Expense Automation Software
Course Objectives:
To train users with the necessary skills to master the use of AP & Expense Automation Software that is full integrated with a computerized accounting system.
Specifically, to use new and existing technology to become valuable to an organization. This involves learning new skills using Windows based software such as Norming Resource Manager, A/P Invoice Requisition, Expense Requisition integrated with document attachment, and, integrated with an accounting system. In today’s digital landscape, a user must have skills to utilize these technologies in getting the day-to-day work performed. As well, the user must be skilled to work with an integrated platform on their daily, monthly and yearly processing routines.
All these products are mainstream and very popular in North America. The skills acquired would prove very valuable to Mayfair Diagnostics and other employers.
Training will be provided through classroom “on-line type” sessions to participants as it relates to their job functions. Training will be intermixed with theory and practice for each user. Training will take place in intervals lasting 3 hours per day, 3 days per week over a period of 8 weeks. This will ensure users have better retention of material and time to study and practice the concepts on their own time. Concepts will be covered in greater detail to ensure the user understands all facets of the integrated program. Real life examples and cases will be provided to enforce the concepts.
There will be formal electronic hand-outs which the user can refer to at any time after the training has been completed
Course Instructors
Roger is an expert in the computerized accounting systems with over 38 years experience in the industry. Roger has taught similar courses for over 10 years at Grant MacEwan University and was for several years the lead Sage 300 instructor at the College. Roger holds a Degree in Commerce from the University of Alberta.
Title: Maximizing the Value of AP & Expense Software
Instructor(s): Roger Katarey
Total Cost Summary: $18,000
Total Hours: 72
Duration: 2 months
Participant Capacity: Up to 6
Course Dates: August 1st to September 30th, 2020
Instructional Style: On-line with participants logged into system
5.0) Outline
Module 1 Norming Resource Manager
Module 2 Employees
Module 3 Expenses
Module 4 A/P Requisition
Module 5 Workflows
Module 6 Employee Self Service Admin Portal
Module 7 Employee Self Service Employee Portal
Module 8 Reports
5.1) Training Hours by Module
Module 1 8 hours
Module 2 4 hours
Module 3 4 hours
Module 4 4 hours
Module 5 16 hours
Module 6 16 hours
Module 7 16 hours
Module 8 4 hours
Total Hours 72
5.3) Module Topics Covered
Module 1 Norming Resource Manager
- Overview
- Setup Options
- Attachment Directory
- G/L Integration
- Account Sets
- Entities
- Divisions
- Regions
- Departments
- Cost Centers
- Jobs
- Location
- Work Calendars
- Roles
- Job Permissions
- Contract Permissions
- Optional Fields
- Force Entry of Comments
- Lookup Code
Module 2 Employees
- Overview
- Employee Groups
- Employees
- Employee Activities
Module 3 Expenses
- Overview
- Setup
- Expense Codes
- Expense Report Type
- Expense Budgets
- Expense Entry
- Cash Advance Entry
- Payment Entry
- Post Batches
- Expense Enquiry
- Expense Tracking
Module 4 A/P Requisition
- Overview
- Setup Options
- Setup Items
- A/P Invoice Requisition Types
- A/P Invoice Requisition List
- A/P Invoice Requisition Entry
- A/P Invoice Enquiry
- Post Batches
Module 5 Workflows
- SMTP Options
- e-Mail Templates
- Approval Groups
- Approval Workflow
- ESS Login Logs
Module 6 Employee Self Service Admin Portal
- Sign in/out
- Overview
- Preferences
- Entities
- Admin Portal Users
- Permissions
- Monitor
- SMTP Options
- ESS Group
- ESS User
- Windows user mapping to ESS portal
- Schedules
Module 7 Employee Self Service Employee Portal
- Sign in/out
- Overview
- Personal Data and Preference
- Substitute
- General Page Layout and Functionalities
- Creating and submitting an Expense
- Approving an Expense
- Rejecting and Expense
- Creating and submitting an A/P Invoice
- Approving an A/P Invoice
- Rejecting an A/P Invoice
- Searching for documents
Module 8 Reports
- Setup Reports
- Approval Workflow Reports
- Employee Reports
- Expense Reports
- A/P Invoice Requisition Status Reports