If you are using several applications to generate and distribute paystubs, timecards, or any other documents in Sage 300 and would like to reduce the amount of manual work – there are some amazing things which can be accomplished through small custom apps.
One example is an app that splits two PDF files:
One with paystubs and one with timecards into separate files for each employee and uploads them separately to each employee’s profile in BambooHR through API services.
This is just one of many possible scenarios.
The paystubs and timecards or other documents are quite often generated in one big file that needs to be split and distributed separately to each employee. Also, it might need to be distributed in different ways i.e. sent by email or uploaded to other systems.
Some scenarios require files to be encrypted with passwords and our development team can handle this for you as well.
If you are looking for an efficient way to distribute any kind of documents, reach out to us. Our programming team can turn a long, detail orientated, and frequently frustrating processes into a fast and easy time-saver.
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