Celayix Integration with Sage 300 Payroll

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Celayix Software delivers a powerful suite of workforce management tools, including employee scheduling software, time & attendance and employee communication for customers from various industries.

The Celayix Scheduling, Time and Attendance Integration to Sage Payroll can send summary or detailed information needed to process payroll, including information such as regular hours, overtime hours, holiday hours, training hours, time off hours and more.

Following are the integration points between these two applications:

  1. The routine follows a two-step approach.  The user interface is shown below:
  2. Step one is to Export/Print from Celayix.  Export/Print button will enable the user to both export and print the Celayix timesheet report at the same time.
  3. The routine is intelligent enough to warn the user if the timecards for the pay period end date has already been processed in Sage Payroll.
  4. The department field will allow the user with the choice of departments set up in Sage Payroll.
  5. The timesheet report can be printed in both summary and detail format.
  6. The detail report prints the following information.
    1. Employee Number
    2. Pay Period End Date
    3. Timecard Number
    4. Shift Date
    5. Earnings and Deductions Code
    6. GL Code
    7. GL Segment Code
    8. Hours
    9. Rate
    10. Job Type
    11. Shift Notes
    12. Exception

The sample report output is shown below:

  1. The summary report prints the following information:
    1. Employee Number
    2. Pay Period End Date
    3. Timecard Number
    4. Earnings and Deductions Code
    5. Hours
    6. Rate
    7. Expense G/L Account
    8. Distribution Code

The sample report output is shown below:

From the report preview screen, you also have the option to export this report to excel which will allow you to further analyze and sort the data. If you require additional fields like shift premiums, shift allowances and more, Britec can further customize this report for you.

  1. In step two user can import the data into timecards in Sage 300. The image below depicts the user interface:
  2. A numeric timecard number is used. The timecard number is MMDDYY based on the pay period end date.
  3. The user also gets the option to erase the timecards before importing if the timecards for the pay period end date already exists in Sage Payroll.
  4. The department field will allow the user with the choice of departments set up in Sage Payroll.

Britec provides a fully documented program that you can use to train your users as per your requirements.  If you need similar customizations to optimize your business processes, Britec has a team of experts who can provide the best solutions for you. We are Sage 300 experts, if you have questions, or would like to talk with us about our recommendations please contact us, we’re here to help.