If you are one of those clients who use Orchid Systems Report Runner and Process Scheduler Sage 300 Add-Ons we can help you to use these tools to their maximum potential and hence improve your productivity.
Britec has developed custom reports for Order entry and Accounts Receivables modules to print using the batch date after the day-end process. Set-up the documents in Report Runner, assign parameters and schedule the reports in Process Scheduler after the Day End. The processed documents can be saved as PDF or sent out to customer as an email attachment depending upon customer preference using Docufire. Send out an email notification indicating the task completed successfully. The routines can be both ran-on demand or on-schedule nightly.
The below screenshot shows few reports scheduled in Report Runner:
We are Sage 300 experts, if you have questions, or would like to talk with us about our recommendations please contact us, we’re here to help.