Russian-backed LockBit ransomware now targets macOS

LockBit is evolving

A new LockBit ransomware operation has developed new artifacts that can encrypt files on devices running Apple’s macOS. This means your Apple computers could now be at risk from this style of Ransomware.

This Ransomware has been active in the environment since November 11, 2022, indicating it has been exploiting systems for at least 5 months without notice. MalwareHunterTeam discovered the macOS ransomware variant in mid-April.

A unique thing about this Ransomware is that this is the first time a big-game ransomware crew has created a masOS-based payload. LockBit is a prolific cybercrime crew with ties to Russia and has pushed the envelope to develop ransomware and exploit businesses and infrastructure.

To find more information on Lockbit check out our article The Affiliate Ransomware Threat: Lock Bit