Maximizing the Efficiency of a HRMS with Scheduling, Time & Attendance
Course Objectives:
To train users so they acquire the skills necessary to become an intermediate to master user of a Modern Human Resource Management System (HRMS) with integration to Scheduling and Time & Attendance.
Specifically, to use new and existing technology to become valuable to an organization. This involves learning new skills using Windows based software such as Sage 300c, Sage HRMS with full integration with cloud Scheduling and Time & Attendance using the latest technologies allow for electronic scheduling of employees, employees recording of time, electronic record keeping of timesheets and approval for compliance, electronic HR files for full information on employees, electronic benefits administration and integration between all functions regarding human resources. A user must have skills to utilize these technologies in getting day-to-day work performed. As well, the user must be skilled to work with maintenance, monthly and yearly processing routines.
All these products are mainstream in North America. The skills acquired would prove very valuable to Citadel Theatre and other employers.
Training will be performed for several users through a classroom “type” session. Training will be intermixed with theory and practice for each user. Training will take place in intervals lasting 4 hours per day over a period of weeks. This will ensure users to have better retention of material and time to study and practice the concepts on their own time. Concepts will be covered in great detail to ensure the user understands all facets of operating the program Real life examples and cases will be provided to enforce the concepts.
There will be formal electronic hand-outs which the user can refer to at any time after the training has been completed
Course Instructors
Primary Instructor: Barbara Westly
Barbara has been an expert in the computerized accounting systems with over 30 years experience with a special emphasis on HRMS and Payroll systems. Barbara is a Certified Consultant on HRMS and Payroll. Barb holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from Royal Roads University.
Secondary Instructor: Roger Katarey
Roger is an expert in the computerized accounting systems with over 38 years experience in the industry. Roger has taught similar courses for over 10 years at Grant MacEwan University and was for several years the lead Sage 300 instructor at the College. Roger holds a Degree in Commerce from the University of Alberta.
Title: Maximizing the Efficiency of a Human Resource Management System Integrated with Scheduling, Time & Attendance
Instructor(s): Barbara Westly, Roger Katarey
Total Cost: $12,500
Participant Capacity: 2
Duration: 4 months
Instructional Style: Classroom, interactive with computer to train
Each day consists of 8 hours. A day may be held at several sessions depending on scheduling of working learners.
Day 1
- Introduction
- Support and resources
- Starting Sage HRMS
- Log on to Sage HRMS
- Use the Initialization File
- Rebuild System Files
- Navigating Sage HRMS
- Accessing Tasks and Processes in Sage HRMS
- Using the Navigation Pane
- Using the Main Menu
- Moving Around in a Page
- Shortcut Keys
- Find an Employee
- Using Advanced Find
- Using the Organizer and Scheduler
Day 2
- Sage HRMS Setup Checklist
- Time Off Setup Checklist
- Set Up User Preferences
- About the Enterprise Setup
- Setting Up the Enterprise
- Adding an Employer
- Modify an Employer
- Delete an Employer
- About Code Tables
- Setting Up Code Tables
- Set Up Page Security
- Set Up Security
- Set Group Security
- Set up User Security
- Set Field Level Security
- Set Product Group Filters
- Set Ad Hoc Reporting Security
- Ad Hoc Reporting Security Level
Day 3
- Employee Benefit Enrollment
- Open Enrollment Tables
- Beneficiaries Added
- Configuring Benefit Plans
- Determine the plan’s effective from and to dates
- Determine how plans should be grouped together
- Determine plan elections and coverage options
- Determine Eligibility Criteria
- Verify employees’ eligibility
- Verify benefit plan setup
- Use the benefit calculator
Day 4
- Implementing Life Events
- Expressions, Functions, and Election Values
- Code Table Reports
- Compensation Reports
Day 5
- Employee and Organization Reports
- Employment Equity Reports (Canada)
- Leave Reports
- OHS Reports (Canada)
- Pay Equity Reports
- Personal Information Reports
Day 6
- Secure Query
- Benefit Reports
- Skill and Education Reports
- Wellness Reports
- Attendance Reports
Day 7
- Training Catalogs and Code Tables
- Training Class Administration Reports
- Employee Training Reports
- Training Secure Query
- Training Analysis Reports
- System Reports
- Standard Reports
- Custom Reports
Day 8
- Using Sage HRMS Secure Query
- Designing Custom Pages
- Sage Payroll Link
- Setting Employer & Employee Configuration to Sage Time & Payroll
- Processing Sage HRMS updates to Payroll
Day 9
- Sage HRMS Scheduler
- Changing Employee Pay Frequencies
- Administrator Training
- Review