Critical Canadian Infrastructure Targeted: 2021 Cyber Report

More than half of the known ransomware victims in Canada were critical infrastructure providers.

Canada’s Communications Security Establishment (CSE) which handle’s foreign cyber situations. Where hackers from outside Canada are trying to hold Canadian infrastructure hostage. Cases like these are on the rise and the CSE has released a ransomware bulletin looking at the key trends of ransomware in 2021.

CSE said it’s aware of 235 ransomware incidents against Canadian victims from Jan. 1 to Nov.16 of this year and more than half of those targets were critical infrastructure providers, including those in the energy, health and manufacturing sectors.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has made organizations like hospitals, governments and universities more mindful of the risks tied to losing access to their networks and often feeling resigned to pay ransoms,” notes the report.

Even a few Canadian cabinet ministers have signed an open letter urging organizations to implement basic cyber security measures.

To read more on this subject take a look at CBC’s Original Article:
Canadian energy, health, manufacturing sectors were major targets of ransomware attacks: cyber spy agency

To read open letter from cabinet ministers including national defence and public safety go here: Open letter to Canadian organizations about ransomware

To learn how Britec’s Security Team can help you with ransom ware attacks please reach out to us today.
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